André Barrinha's Visiting Fellowship
11 Oct 2024

André Barrinha's Visiting Fellowship

Visiting Fellowship Program

In September, André Barrinha joined us for a Visiting Fellowship at The Hague Program on International Cyber Security at Leiden University's The Hague Campus. We sat down with him to hear about his fellowship experience.

Why were you interested incoming here?

As part of my research leave, I wanted to spend some time in a placewhere I could develop my ongoing projects (on cyber-diplomacy,cyber-statecraft, and digital sovereignty) in a challenging and stimulatingenvironment. From previous participations in its flagship annual conference,The Hague Program on International Cyber Security seemed to provide the idealenvironment for this: a hub of leading academics and experts in one of the maininternational ‘capitals’ of cyber-diplomacy (The Hague).

What did you work onduring the fellowship?

I worked on the developmentof a research project on digital sovereignty, which will hopefully be submittedby the end of year, and I worked on a paper I’m co-authoring oncyber-statecraft. I also presented and discussed a book chapter from myforthcoming book on cyber-diplomacy. Most importantly, I had the opportunity toexchange ideas with colleagues associated with the Program, both regarding mywork and their work. It was a great experience.

What’s next for you?

I have my research leaveuntil the end of the year, where I will hope to conclude or at least advance the multiple projects and papers I’m involved in. After that I will resume my teaching commitments at the University of Bath, which includes revamping my MA module on the Global Politics of Cyberspace. Exciting times!

Are you also interested to join our Visiting Fellowship Program? Applications for Fall 2024 have closed, but applications for a Spring 2025 stay are welcomed until 30 November 2024. Check out the Fellowships section for more information and the application process.

