Leiden Safety and Security Blog – Turning down the heat on cyber norms?
23 Jul 2018

Leiden Safety and Security Blog – Turning down the heat on cyber norms?


A review of the recent cyber norms discussions by Liisi Adamson and Zine Homburger on the Leiden Safety and Security blog.

Responsible behaviour in cyberspace, especially of states, has been a priority topic for the policy and law-makers in the past decade. The United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security (UN GGE) as one of the principal avenues for inter-state cyber diplomacy has made great advances in discussing possible rules for the road: emphasising the applicability of international law, recommending the adoption of a set of 13 cyber norms as well as elaborating on the necessity of confidence and capacity building measures. After three consecutive UN GGEs managed to adopt a consensus report, the last session in 2016-2017 did not produce a consensus report...

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