Attending the State of the Art of Cybersecurity and Cyberconflict Research Conference in Zurich
27-29 Sep 2018 / Zurich

Attending the State of the Art of Cybersecurity and Cyberconflict Research Conference in Zurich


Liisi Adamson, Ilina Georgieva and Zine Homburger will be attending and present papers on topics related to cyber norms at a research conference in Zurich from 27 to 29 September 2018.

The State of the Art of Cybersecurity and Cyberconflict Research Conference is organized by the Center for Security Studies of ETH Zurich in Switzerland. The conference brings together a select group of researchers specialized in studying the strategic (mis)use of cyberspace by state and non-state actors and in analysing the related governance challenges to map the state of the art in this field of research and identify future research avenues.

Liisi Adamson and Zine Homburger will be presenting a paper titled “Let Them Roar: Small States as Cyber Norms Entrepreneurs” and Ilina Georgieva the paper “Intelligence Agencies as (International) Norm-setters” during the panel on Norms.

For more information on the conference, click here.

