Hybridity, Conflict, and the Global Politics of Cybersecurity

Edited volume of papers from our 2020 Conference on Cyber Norms, edited by Fabio Cristiano and Bibi van den Berg, with contributions on the themes of emerging normative practices, emerging threats and technologies and emerging actors, available completely open access.

Cyberspace has become the ultimate frontier and central issue of international conflict, geopolitical competition, and security. Emerging threats and technologies continuously challenge the prospect of an open, secure, and free cyberspace. Additionally, the rising influence of technology on society and culture increasingly pushes international diplomacy to establish responsible state behavior in cyberspace and internet governance against the backdrop of fragmentation and polarization. In this context, novel normative practices and actors are emerging both inside and outside the conventional sites of international diplomacy and global governance.

In Hybridity, Conflict, and the Global Politics of Cybersecurity, Fabio Cristiano and Bibi van den Berg explore the hybridity and conflict inherent to these recent processes of remodulation of the global politics of cybersecurity by analyzing emerging normative practices, threats and technologies, and actors. Through this comprehensive analysis, this edited volume ultimately sheds light on the problematic technical logic of emergence that informs the global politics of cybersecurity and delineates novel normative paths for cyberspace moving forward.

Table of contents


  • Chapter 1: Hybridity and Conflict in Cyberspace: Rethinking the Emergent Character of International Cybersecurity, by Fabio CristianoBibi van den Berg

Part I: Emerging Normative Practices

  • Chapter 2: The New Era of Internet Governance: Technical Fragmentation and Digital Sovereignty Entanglements, by Roxana RaduGiovanni De Gregorio
  • Chapter 3: Is International Law Fading Away in State Practice on Cyber Operations?, by François Delerue
  • Chapter 4: The Hybrid Role of the Big Tech Companies and the Impact of Courts on the Making of Cyber Norms, by Jan Martin Lemnitzer

Part II: Emerging Threats and Technologies

  • Chapter 5: Disinformation Campaigns and Norms of Emergency Communication in Cyberspace, by Taylor Grossman
  • Chapter 6: Influence Operations in Cyberspace: How They Really Work, by Peter PijpersPaul Ducheine
  • Chapter 7: The Challenge Associated with AI's Military Innovation: Examining Practitioner Perspectives in the United Kingdom, by Amy Ertan

Part III: Emerging Actors

  • Chapter 8: The European Normative Venture for 'Technological Sovereignty' in Cyberspace, by Cedric Amon
  • Chapter 9: Views From the Middle: Analysing the Positions of India, Indonesia, and South Africa on Cybersecurity at the UN OEWG, by Irene Poetranto, Josh GoldJustin Lau
  • Chapter 10: Will India Negotiate? The Politics of Multilateral Engagement for Fostering Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace, by Arindrajit BasuKarthik Nachiappan
  • Chapter 11: The Hybrid Place: Civil Society in the Open-Ended Working Group, by André BarrinhaLouise Marie Hurel
The Hague Program on International Cyber Security

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Hybridity, Conflict, and the Global Politics of Cybersecurity