Selena Larson

Lead, Intelligence Analysis and Strategy at Proofpoint

Selena Larson

Selena Larson is Lead, Intelligence Analysis and Strategy at Proofpointon the Threat Research team. She collaborates with fellow researchers toidentify and investigate advanced cybercriminal threats and develop actionablethreat intelligence. Previously, she was a Cyber Threat Analyst for theindustrial cybersecurity firm, Dragos, and a cybersecurity and privacyjournalist.

Talk: Shifting Shadows: The Evolution of Initial Access Brokers

Initial access brokers (IABs) are among the most sophisticated actors inthe cybercriminal threat landscape. Recent changes in defense and disruptionhave forced change, with threat actors increasing innovation, experimentation,and attack chain development to maintain successful operations. In this talk,we will look at three of the most sophisticated cybercriminal threat actorswhose activities enable ransomware – TA577, TA571, and TA578 — and how theiractivities and malware delivery have changed. In many cases, these actorsappear to be learning from each other, demonstrating a resourceful andpotentially collaborative threat actor ecosystem that contributes to massivelyprofitable cybercriminal enterprises.